Monday, 23 April 2012

Thoughts on breastfeeding in medieval kit and bump support while pregnant: solving the leeking boob issue

I was talking to a friend of mine on the phone last night I was telling him about the ideas I've had for Kit and Caboodle. During this conversation I came up with the idea of making the plastron/stomacher for the bump into a bump support, similar to the ones you can get out of jersey to support your bump during pregnancy. I've had an idea that uses elastic as well as an idea that uses all natural fabrics. I've managed to get them down in my notebook this morning, plus drawings (when the scanner is working I shall copy them and post them up here.)

I've also managed to get the variations of breastfeeding shifts down. I've got three so far. I'm meeting a fellow re-enacting Mum this afternoon; we're taking the children to the park for a picnic, so I' shall run them past her and see if we come up with anything else.

I'm rather enjoying getting my ideas drawn and written down on paper. The next step will be to make toiles for fit and then make mock-ups/ trial runs. I think I'll have to size them by breast size as well as height.

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